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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: C1 Robert Dillon, loss of tolerance occurs when self-antigens are no treated as an infection rather than self-cells and can be Cell mediated, recurrence of opportunistic or latent infections in an individgual that is exposed to bird and bat feces and lives in the midwest or central US this could result in infection by Histoplasmosis, Type III HSN initial accumulation of antibodies and cells is exacerbated leading to aggreggation of immune cells and additional antibodies by the activation of complement, Histoplasmosis infection in an individual with an intact immune system can present with erythema nodosum which is a type of rash, Type IV HSN can be used therapeutically to determine if a patient has had exposure to TB with a subcutaneous injection of tuberculin which is known as PPD, TCR involves MHC molecules, immunoglobulins patients with JOB syndrome cannot switch antibody classes within activated lymph node or MALT germinal centers resulting in serum containing only IgM, loss of tolerance occurs when self-antigens are no treated as an infection rather than self-cells and can be antibody mediated, Robert Dillon a 28 year old Hispanic Male has an Immune System, Type III HSN when affection a blood vessel such as in PAN or HSP results in a vasculitis, corticosteriods are a potent class of immunomodulators which inhibit the production of aracadonic acid and the NFKB transcription factor transplant rejection maintainance therapy, rash can result from a drug reaction resulting in the sloughing of the superficial epithelial layer which is known as toxic epidermal necrolysis or SJS, IgM is most commonly in a pentameric form a nd is the best activator of the classical pathway of complement, Immune System overactivity results in loss of tolerance, vasculitis can also result (as with goodpasture syndrome) from cellular dysfunction of blood vessel walls resulting from Type 2 HSN, complement can be activated by the classical pathway which is most avidly fixed by IgG, T-helper cells the Th2 subtype is responsible for immune response to parasitic pathogens and also results in the activation of B cells, Immune System underactivity results in recurrence of opportunistic or latent infections, B cells are further differentiated into immunoglobin producing cells that are characterized by their clockface chromatin on histology which are known as Plasma Cells, SJS can result from the administration of drugs such as the selective COX2 inhibitor celecoxib or bactrim (TMP-SMX) which are classified as sufonamides