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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: C-1 James Smith, Diet: Typically "Meat and Potatoes" Promotes Hypercholesterolemia, Mitochondria Mitochondrial damage releases Reactive oxyen species, James Smith 69 y.o. African American male Sudden onset of difficulty talking and weakness of right arm/leg Anxious, confused Chief Complaint (from wife) "Talking weird," incomprehensible phrases, lost ability to hold spoon, change in sensation of R arm/leg Right facial droop, Middle Cerebral artery (MCL) confirmed with Diagnostic Tests, James Smith 69 y.o. African American male Sudden onset of difficulty talking and weakness of right arm/leg Anxious, confused Past Medical Hx Hypercholesterolemia, Occasional ED Visits for "Uncontrolled Sugar" Is complication of Diabetes Mellitus, James Smith 69 y.o. African American male Sudden onset of difficulty talking and weakness of right arm/leg Anxious, confused Past Hospitalizations Occasional ED Visits for "Uncontrolled Sugar", Computed Tomography which has superior visualization of Calcium, Reactive oxyen species Sustained increased levels causes Necrosis, Lisinopril 20 mg Daily Treatment of Hypertension, Middle Cerebral artery (MCL) Progression Cerebral ischemia, Middle Cerebral artery (MCL) Imaging + Physical exam findings Muscle flaccidity on the right, Cerebral ischemia Ischemic Stroke treated with Antithrombotic, "Talking weird," incomprehensible phrases, lost ability to hold spoon, change in sensation of R arm/leg Right facial droop Presents With Broca's Aphasia, Muscle flaccidity on the right Initial presentatiion Cranial: OA FSlRr Cervical: AA Rl; C5-7 FSRl, Oxygen Required as an electron acceptor for Oxidative phosphorylationT, James Smith 69 y.o. African American male Sudden onset of difficulty talking and weakness of right arm/leg Anxious, confused Social history Diet: Typically "Meat and Potatoes", Physical Activity: No Exercise Plan, Sedentary Lifestyle indications Risk Factors, Thrombosis causing irrevesible Necrosis, Muscle flaccidity on the right Initial presentatiion Pelvis: Right inferior shear