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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: C-1 Case 6 Robert Dillon, IgE IgE mediated anaphylactic reactions are mediated by antibodies against any component of the antivenom therapy Antivenom, "I have a rash that is spreading everywhere" - Face and body including genitals - Pain 7/10 - Temp 103.2 F Current Medication Corticosteroids, UTI Common presentation of UTI's include flushing, warm, red skin Rash, Type II hypersensitivity Immune response from Type 2 and 3 Hypersensitivities involve complement activation Complement, Liver Transplant (3 yrs ago) Acute Transplant Rejection is the most common type of rejection (weeks to months after) resulting in leukocyte infiltration of the graft vessel Type IV hypersensitivity, Pain Acute pain is often associated with SJS Steven-Johnson Syndrome, Type III hypersensitivity Immune response from Type 2 and 3 Hypersensitivities involve complement activation Complement, "I have a rash that is spreading everywhere" - Face and body including genitals - Pain 7/10 - Temp 103.2 F HPI Rash, "I have a rash that is spreading everywhere" - Face and body including genitals - Pain 7/10 - Temp 103.2 F Osteopathic Struct Exam TART Changes and Tender Points: Cerv, Thoracic, Ribs, Lumbar Pelvis and Sacrum, TCR T-helper cells, Type I hypersensitivity Type 1 Hypersensitivities mainly consist of allergic reactions, which can lead to anaphylaxis (allergic shock) which is severe Anaphylaxis, "I have a rash that is spreading everywhere" - Face and body including genitals - Pain 7/10 - Temp 103.2 F Current Medication Cyclosporine, Type IV hypersensitivity Tissue damage in Type 4 Hypsersentivity reactions can come from destruction of host cells by Cytotoxic T-Cells T-cytotoxic cells, Cell-mediated This is another example of a cell mediated immunity rxn PPD, Type IV hypersensitivity Type IV is the only cell mediated hypersensitivity due to interaction of T cells, monocytes, macrophages Cell-mediated, "I have a rash that is spreading everywhere" - Face and body including genitals - Pain 7/10 - Temp 103.2 F Past Med Hx End Stage Liver Disease, IgG Antibody binding to self-antigens on the surface of cells improperly targets them for destruction Type II hypersensitivity, Robert Dillon 28 y/o M C.C. "I have a rash that is spreading everywhere" - Face and body including genitals - Pain 7/10 - Temp 103.2 F, Histoplasmosis Histoplasmos infection can cause a rash known as erythema nodosum Rash, IgG IgG is the most abundant antibody in serum, and thus drives many antibody-mediated reactions Antibody-mediated