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Abaxial sesamoid nerve block.cmap Anatomy.jpg Antebrachiocarpal Joint Block.cmap Approaches to DFTS.png ASNB.jpeg ASNB 2.png Axial Sesamoidean Appraoch DFTS.png Background.jpg Carpometacarpal Joint Block.cmap Deep Branch of Lateral Plantar Nerve.cmap DFTS.png DFTS 1.jpg DFTS 2.jpg DFTS 4.png Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath Block.cmap Digital Tendon Sheath.png DIP, Dorsal, Parallel.png DIP, Dorsal, Parallel 1.png DIP, Dorsal, Perpendicular.png DIP, Dorsal Perpendicular 1.png DIP, Lateral.png DIP, Lateral 1.png Distal Approaches to DFTS.png Distal Interphalangeal Block.cmap Distal limb.jpg Equine Limb Anatomy.cmap Fetlock Joint Block.cmap Forelimb+Lameness.png H4PNB technique- metacarpal nerves.jpg H6PNB Anatomy.jpg H6PNB needle placement.jpg High four-point nerve block.cmap High six-point nerve block.cmap Hindlimb lameness.png image.jpg Innervation at the carpus.png Intrasynovial Anesthesia Tendon Sheaths.url Lameness.jpg Lameness Exam.cmap Medial Approach to Deep Branch of Lateral Palmar Nerve.cmap Navicular bursa block.cmap Navicular bursa NB.jpg NB block 1.jpg NB block process 3.jpg NB block site.jpg Nerve Block Chart.jpg Nerves of the forelimb.jpg Palmar-Plantar Digital nerve block.cmap PIP, Dorsal.png PIP, Dorsal 1.png PIP, Palmar, Plantar.png PIP, Palmar, Plantar 1.png Proximal Appraoch to DFTS.png Proximal Interphalangeal Block.cmap Site for ASNB.jpg Skin Preparation Protocol.cmap Technique of H4PNB.jpg